The purpose of the PhD Council

The overall objective is to improve the learning outcome of all students in primary and lower secondary school and, in this way, their prerequisites for further education and employment. An improved learning outcome of the primary and lower secondary school can e.g. be achieved by strengthening the subject-specific didactic knowledge and capacity and through increased educational and social-pedagogical competencies.

Three purposes

The objective of the PhD Council is based on appendix 2 of the Globalisation Pool for Research 2011-2012. In the agreement, three objectives for strengthened educational research are put forward:

  1. Practical research with close connection to and in collaboration between university colleges and universities.
  2. Research and PhD education with tested and acknowledged quality assurance mechanisms monitored by the universities’ PhD Schools.
  3. The PhDs educated under the programme must, both during and after, their PhD-study be able to teach at university colleges and contribute to research and development in the area of educational research.

Images by Izumi Kobayashi via iStock